Ancestry and values since 1873

The business tradition of this family dates back to 1873, when Mr. Francisco Martínez Alba was born, an only child in El Siscar. From 1892, with only 19 years of age and for the following 12 years, he served his homeland with honour as a soldier. He also participated in the bloody war against the United States in Cuba in 1898, where he was also seriously injured as demonstrated on his military record. He was admitted to the Habana Alfonso XIII Hospital and after many years of very hard military service for Spain, he returned to his beloved village in 1904 where his dying father was waiting for him.

After many years of absence, his family members and friends presumed him dead.

Mr. Francisco Martínez Alba married Miss. Dolores Ayllón Egea and started a family in his home town. They brought up their 6 children with a lot of sacrifice and perseverance. They, even in those hard times, built a house for each one of them.


Paternal great-grandparents

Using his initiative, he started up a small business with his wife based on buying and selling dried ball peppers (ñoras) to farmers in El Siscar and neighbouring villages. They even reached Orihuela, which was 9 kilometres away.

He carried the goods in sacks on his shoulders, with a rope or thick cord. Oddly enough, when he passed away, a dip in his right shoulder caused by the friction of the cord was noticed. This was because he always carried the sacks on foot, supported on his shoulder.

His small business also faced the famous economic crisis of 1929 (The Great Depression) and after successfully overcoming it years later, he recalled his important motto:

“The greatest wealth and assets of a businessman is his honesty and integrity”

He also liked to remind his children and grandchildren:

“The word of a businessman is worth more than a notarial certificate”

He instilled these values and principles to the generations that followed, which were passed on from father to son. Today, Francisco Martínez Campillo, his great-grandson, is proud to raise these values as a banner in the ECONEX code of conduct.

The beginnings

It all started in 1972, when Francisco Martínez Campillo was only 8 years old and saw his father, a humble cultivator, fumigating his crops and watching all the poisoned birds die, motionless on the ground.

It ready impressed him as a child, but to see his father ill for 2-3 days was what caused the biggest impact on him. His father was a mentor to him, a strong, young man, who stopped smoking, barely ate and even stopped gathering his friends.


Francisco Martínez Campillo’s parents.

Every time his father fumigated his crops with pesticides this terrible situation happened again. This tough experience made Francisco, after finishing high school at the age of 15, take the decision to learn how to fight pests in a safer way (To help his father not to suffer these horrible consequences).

Francisco started Agricultural Professional Training in Orihuela, Elche and Torre Pacheco in 1979. After that, he began a degree in Agricultural engineering.

Escuela Politécnica Superior” (Orihuela – Alicante)

In September 1985, before finishing the degree, the idea of launching a company came into his mind: developing solutions to fight pests without harming people’s health or environment. Then, in January 1986 when he was only 21, his idea turned into reality and his company was established as a sole proprietorship. His career path started in his paternal house in El Siscar (Murcia) in a 16 square meters room where his father used to keep his farm tools. In the year 2000 the sole proprietorship changed to its current status as a limited company.

ECONEX began to expand its business into other regions, opening the first national delegations in Seville, Toledo and Mallorca. Also, it opened its first international delegation in Turkey. Since then, the company has never stopped growing.

In July 2003, the company took the next step by acquiring a piece of land of 4.076 square meters to build its new headquarters in El Siscar (Murcia). After two years of construction, the inauguration ceremony for the new building took place on March 31, 2007.


Francisco Martinez´s wife and children in the piece of land for the new headquarters

The technical team and the new building under construction

The inauguration ceremony for the new ECONEX headquarters on March 31, 2007.

From the beginning, Francisco Martínez Campillo has always supported innovation and protection of the environment through investigation, production and commercialisation of pheromones, attractants, repellents and traps for the capture of insect pests. Being that the best alternative to pesticides.

The perseverance and effort made have allowed the company to grow and acquire an experience over 38 years.

Our digital world

Continuous development and close relationships with its customers have been always two of the ECONEX´s priorities. With the emergence of digital world, Francisco Martinez made the most of this technological advancement to achieve these two objectives.

In 1997, the web ECONEX was created, but it was in 2008 when the aspect of the web changed and acquired the value that it has today. Giving high-quality information for users, not only about products but also about other topics relevant to the sector.

In addition, its specific websites are one of the things that ECONEX is prouder. These are more than 100 pages where it is given a concrete and deeply explanation about the most important agricultural and forest pests. They include information about their behaviour, morphology and biology characteristics, crops affected, damages caused and the solutions ECONEX suggests for their biocontrol.


With a single-click of mouse, its full catalogue of products has become available at its ONLINE STORE since 2015. In 2020 this service was also expanded to Europe.

The time and resources spent for years allow ECONEX to have close relationships with both, old and new customers, no matter where they come from.

ECONEX nowadays

These days SANIDAD AGRICOLA ECONEX S.L has 52.000 square meters in ownership from which the company exports to more than 52 countries around the world.

The continuous innovation and investigation let ECONEX to have a wide portfolio of products with more than 600 references with which it can be fought more than 450 pests. All of its products are made in Spain (with dignity and respect for its workers). They are used by farmers and forest agents from all over the world in more than 600.000 hectares.

This catalogue of products also shows the irrefutable values that ECONEX has, which come from his family business roots. These are: quality, innovation, creativity and sustainability, based on a corporative culture of effort and love for a job well done.
The company achieved ISO 9001:2015 certification for its quality management system in 2019. This certification strengthens and consolidates the effectiveness of its Quality System.

Since 1986, ECONEX has had a total commitment to high-quality products and services; customer satisfaction; and integration of human, social and environmental responsibilities.

Francisco Martínez Campillo and all the team at ECONEX work every day, developing and investing in R&D+I projects, in order to consolidate and maintain its leadership in the sector of pest biocontrol and continue meeting customer´s demands.


Code: TA118 econex-triangular-sin-laminas

The ECONEX WHITE TRIANGULAR without sheets trap is made of a white polycarbonate polymer that supports the ultraviolet rays, with a half-life of 6 to 7 years. The trap forms a small roof on a base, with two lateral windows through which the insects entert into the trap. This trap is provided with a wire hanger designed specifically for this use.

The mounted trap measures 20 x 28 x 11.5 cm.

This trap is appropriate for the detection, flight curves monitoring, and mass trapping of numerous insects.

The trap is activated by placing a sticky sheet at the base of it, and a pheromone diffuser, or attractant suitable for the target insect, in the center of the sheet, where it will be fixed by the adhesive.


Code: TA133 econex-trampa-de-agua

The ECONEX WATER TRAP is designed to capture Tuta absoluta (Tomato Miner).  It is made up of 6 parts that when assembled form the trap.  The trap measures 17.5 cm in height x 35 cm width.  The trap has a capacity of 3.7 litres.

Water is poured onto the tray of this moist trap and adding a layer of oil over the water to increase captures is recommended.  The ECONEX TUTA ABSOLUTA pheromone diffuser is placed in the upper cage.


Code: TA181 econex-pal

Trap for Diabrotica virgifera


Code: TA137 econex-triangular-amarilla

With the same features as the ECONEX WHITE TRIANGULAR without sheets trap, the ECONEX YELLOW TRIANGULAR without sheets trap is specially designed to increase the attractive action of the pheromone with its chromatic attraction, in cases where it is used to attract diptera.


Code: TA059 econex-rampa

The ECONEX RAMPA trap has been specially designed for capturing Cosmopolites sordidus.

The trap has four rough lateral chutes due to the fact that the insect walks rather than flies into it.  The Cosmopolites sordidus are drowned in a solution of water and detergent (1-3%) and remain in the bottom of the trap container.


Code: TA172 rhynchonex-7.5-pack

Pack of 6 RHYNCHONEX® 7.5 Red traps.


Code: TA146 (RHYNCHONEX® 7.5) | Código: TA145 (RHYNCHONEX® 17) rhynchonex®-7.5-roja

This moist trap is used with pheromones and kairomones for detection and large-scale captures of the Red palm weevil:  Rhynchophorus ferrugineus.

The RHYNCHONEX® trap is characterised by its advanced design.  It is made from a plastic polymer that does not emit odours when heated by the sun and can withstand ultraviolet rays.  It is made up of three easily-adjustable parts – a base, a lid and a special hanger onto which the RHYNCHONEX® PHEROMONE and RHYNCHONEX® KAIROMONE diffusers are attached.

The traps that are half-buried are more effective than those that are suspended aerially.  It is not recommended to suspend them from palm trees.  Instead they should be suspended from either a nearby tree or from some other rough support.  In addition traps laid in areas of shade retain their moistness for longer.


Code: TA028 econex-trampa-g

This trap has a large capacity for the large-scale capture of males of the Thaumetopoea pityocampa pine tree processionary moth through the use of a synthetic female sexual pheromone.

The body of the trap is dark brown plastic with a slightly rough exterior and smooth interior.  The entry funnels can be extended through flaps that greatly limit the trap’s interior area.  Light entering through the holes at the opening can be seen from the trap interior.

The male, attracted by the pheromone diffuser, enters the trap and later looks for the exit near the lower chute of the trap, from where some light can be seen.  The collection bag is made from clear plastic and is light and flexible.  This is so as to prevent a large area forming beneath the trap into which the males could easily fly and perhaps escape.

The lower part of the bag is black so as to prevent birds from seeing the captured insects and possibly ripping the bag open to feed on them.



The CROSSTRAP® and CROSSTRAP® MINI traps are a last generation forest traps. They was developed as part of a Research and Development project between the University of Murcia & ECONEX whose aim was the development of traps and attractants for forest pests.

The traps consists of a polypropylene lid 33 cm in diameter with an applicator in the middle attached by a spring. Two reinforced PVC sheets are held in place in the lid’s upper section by four springs and in the lower section by a polypropylene funnel 30 cm in diameter, also held in place by four springs. The collection cup for the captured insects is in the lower section of the funnel and is attached to the funnel with screws.

The sheets, the funnel and the collection cup have been treated with a slippery product which greatly increases the number of insects captured.

The traps can be used with two types of collection cup: for wet captures (CROSSTRAP® WET COLLECTION CUP Code: TA156) and for dry or live captures (CROSSTRAP® DRY COLLECTION CUP Code: TA157).

Once deployed, the CROSSTRAP® trap measures 33 cm in diameter by 146 cm in height. When folded up it measures 30 cm in diameter and 40 cm in height.

The CROSSTRAP® MINI trap measures 33 cm in diameter by 100 cm in height. When folded up it measures 30 cm in diameter and 40 cm in height. Recent experiences has shown that this trap have greater effectiveness in capturing Tomicus spp and other bark beetles.

The traps are activated by placing attractants into the sheet holes. Due to the trap’s structure and its highly resistant component parts they can be operational for up to 7 years.







Code: TA082

The ECONEX PUNTA trap is a trap specially designed for monitoring stored grain..



Code: TA126 econex-azul-40x25cm

Blue chromatic trap

Blue chromatic traps have the same characteristics as yellow chromatic traps.  Blue chromatic traps are predominantly used for Thrips.


Code: TA090 eostrap®-invaginada

The INVAGINATED EOSTRAP® trap has a transparent lid and a yellow base.  It is trap that is perfectly designed to capture Ceratitis capitata.

The insects enter the trap though the 4 perpendicular openings and the invagination of the trap’s yellow base.  Rainwater is prevented from entering the trap.

The opening and engagement system works by a small twist which the tabs located on the base and lid to be inserted.

In addition to being used for the detection, monitoring and large-scale capture of Ceratitis capitata, the INVAGINATED EOSTRAP® trap can also be used to capture other diptera such as Dacus (Bactrocera) oleae.

The trap includes a wire hanger.

The trap is suitable for very dusty areas.  The traps allows for the capture of intact insects, without damage, which facilitates their improved morphological study.


Código: TA027 econex-polillero-verde

The ECONEX POLILLERO Green is especially designed to optimize the trap’s camouflage in areas where required.


Code: TA125 econex-amarilla-40x25-cm

A yellow-coloured trap with sheets covered in an adhesive substance to trap the insects.

It is used for pest detection in crops and for large-scale captures.  It is mostly used for white fly and aphids.  It may used on its own as a chromatic attraction trap, or with pheromone lure, which when combined with the attractiveness of its colour, increases the effectiveness of the captures.

It’s an interesting trap for those pests, that for the moment we do not have pheromones for, but who feel especially attracted by the colour of the trap; and on many occasions is the only satisfactory way to monitor pests.

Yellow and blue traps are generally placed at a density of 2 to 4 traps for every 1.000m sq. (in the case of detection) and of 1 trap for any plot of land between 5 to 25m sq. (in the case of pest control).


Code: TA042 eostrap®

The EOSTRAP® is a trap made of easily-adjustable parts with natural refrigeration, aerial ventilation and diffusion of insect attractants by means of the Venturi Effect.  The Venturi Effect produces a rising current of warm air though the overhead nozzle that expands the attractant inside the trap.

The trap is made of a plastic polymer that does not emit odours when heated by the sun and can withstand ultraviolet rays.  It has an average lifespan of 6 to 7 years.

The yellow truncated base of the trap has 4 perpendicular openings which allow the insects to enter easily but which prevent rainwater from entering. At the base of the trap can be placed any substance capable of killing or retaining the captured insects inside, such as olive oil.  The trap lid has a plastic support to hold the diffuser in place. It comes with a wire hanger from which it can be suspended from trees or other supports.

The EOSTRAP® traps allow for the combined use of insect attractants, be they pheromone or food.  The pheromone diffuser is laid in the upper plastic support and the food attractant in the trap base.  The insects die by drowning.  Due to the trap’s large capacity it has been designed to capture all types of insect, particularly diptera (such as Ceratitis capitata, Bactrocera oleae and the common fly), beetles, moths especially larger moths, particularly when they are in large numbers.

In addition to its large capacity for captures the EOSTRAP® traps are suitable for capturing intact insects which allows for a better morphological study of them.  The traps are particularly recommended for use in areas with a lot of dust.


Code: TA001 econex-polillero

The ECONEX POLILLERO is a plastic polymer that does not emit odours when heated by the sun and can withstand ultraviolet rays.  It has an average lifespan of 6 to 7 years.  It consists of a yellow funnel with a green lid and a white based.

Due to its large capacity it is the best-suited trap for most Lepidoptera pests, in particular larger moths and especially when in large numbers.

At the base of the trap can be placed any substance capable of killing or retaining the captured insects inside, such as olive oil. The pheromone diffuser is placed in a small cage in the centre of the lid.  The trap has two locks from which it can be suspended.

In addition to capturing Lepidoptera it can also capture diptera and beetles.  It is a suitable trap for areas with a lot of dust.  This trap allows for the capture of insects intact, without damage, which permits a better morphological study of them.


Code: TA006 econex-mosquero

The ECONEX MOSQUERO is a plastic polymer that does not emit odours when heated by the sun and can withstand ultraviolet rays.  It has an average lifespan of 6 to 7 years.

This trap is particularly suitable for the capture of diptera.

The lures used can be either food lures or be prepared with pheromones.  The latter type is considerably more effective.

It consists of two plastic pieces.  The upper part is transparent with a yellow base and an aperture through which the flies enter.

The yellow colour of the base is the visual attractant complemented by the lure placed inside.

The ECONEX MOSQUERO trap can be used in conjunction with food lures, whose use is permitted in Organic Farming.  In such cases, the pheromone diffuser should be placed in a small cage.

Manual Tuta absoluta (Minadora del tomate)

Morfología y biología
Síntomas y daños
Detección y seguimiento
Capturas masivas
Material necesario
Difusores de feromona ECONEX TUTA ABSOLUTA
Época de empleo
Factores que influyen en el número de trampas necesarias


Origen del Rhynchophorus ferrugineus
Distribución mundial
Especies de palmeras afectadas
Descripción del insecto
Aspectos de su biología
Síntomas y daños

Estrategias de atracción RHYNCHONEX®
Detección y seguimiento
Capturas masivas
Feromonas y cairomonas
Atrayente alimenticio

Factores que influyen en la cantidad de trampas necesarias
Consejos para la colocación de las trampas
Medidas culturales
Ficha de seguimiento


Introducción: Plagas objetivo

Tomicus destruens
Morfología y biología
Fenología y mapa de distribución potencial en España

Tomicus piniperda
Morfología y biología
Fenología y mapa de distribución potencial en España

Síntomas y daños

Detección y seguimiento
Capturas masivas

Factores que influyen en la cantidad de trampas necesarias

EOSTRAP® buried to the inlet

Code: TA042 eostrap®

The EOSTRAP® is a trap made of easily-adjustable parts with natural refrigeration, aerial ventilation and diffusion of insect attractants by means of the Venturi Effect.  The Venturi Effect produces a rising current of warm air though the overhead nozzle that expands the attractant inside the trap.

The trap is made of a plastic polymer that does not emit odours when heated by the sun and can withstand ultraviolet rays.  It has an average lifespan of 6 to 7 years.

The yellow truncated base of the trap has 4 perpendicular openings which allow the insects to enter easily but which prevent rainwater from entering. At the base of the trap can be placed any substance capable of killing or retaining the captured insects inside, such as olive oil. The trap lid has a plastic support to hold the diffuser in place.  It comes with a wire hanger from which it can be suspended from trees or other supports.

The EOSTRAP® traps allow for the combined use of insect attractants, be they pheromone or food.  The pheromone diffuser is laid in the upper plastic support and the food attractant in the trap base.  The insects die by drowning.  Due to the trap’s large capacity it has been designed to capture all types of insect, particularly diptera (such as Ceratitis capitata, Bactrocera oleae and the common fly), beetles, moths especially larger moths, particularly when they are in large numbers.

In addition to its large capacity for captures the EOSTRAP® traps are suitable for capturing intact insects which allows for a better morphological study of them.  The traps are particularly recommended for use in areas with a lot of dust.

Privacy policy

Company Director: Francisco Martínez Campillo


Company Tax Code: ES B73108748

Company Address: C/Mayor Nº 15B – Edificio ECONEX, Apartado de Correos Nº 167, 30149, SISCAR, Santomera, MURCIA (Spain, UE)

Telephone numbers: (+34) 968-860-382 (+34) 968-864-088

Fax: (+34) 968-862-342


Registration in the Commercial Registry of Murcia, Volume 1.735, Book 0, Page 207, Section 8, Form MU-32.515

Administrative authorisation: in process

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Code: VA343

Bottle-shaped disposable trap with 4 holes to allow the target insects to enter.

The trap contains 20 g of the basic substance diammonium phosphate, to be used as a kairomonal or food attractant, in powder form to be diluted in water, for the mass capture of male and female Cherry flies Rhagoletis cerasi (in accordance with (EU) Implementing Regulation 2016/548 from the European Commission).

The trap is supplied with a wire hanger to hang from a branch.

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Letter from the Director

Presentation of ECONEX

Biological management of pests with pheromones and traps


Special attractants diffusers


Special attractants diffusers








Customer Service

Sales conditions

Aviso legal


CIF: ES B73108748

Inscrita en el registro mercantil de Murcia, Tomo 1.735, Libro 0, Folio 207, Sección 8, Hoja MU-32.515

C/ Mayor, Nº 15 B - Edificio ECONEX · Apartado de Correos Nº 167 · 30149 SISCAR-Santomera · MURCIA (España, UE)

Atención al cliente: 900 502 401

Teléfonos: + 34 968 860382 - 968 86 40 88

Fax: +34 968 862342



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Pheromone and trap management for forest pests
Diffusers for forest pests

Tomicus destruens and Tomicus piniperda

System for the early detection of forest pests

Orthotomicus erosus
Ips sexdentatus
Monochamus galloprovincialis
Cerambyx sp
Thaumetopoea pityocampa
Cydia splendana
Lymantria dispar

Rhynchophorus ferrugineus

Biocontrol of insects with bats
Birds' nests

Monitoring service for forest pests
Insect identification service
Consulting services
Human Resources
Supply of products
Made-to-measure solutions
Exhibition room
The Econex Team
Ágora Econex
Econex General Catalogue
Customer Service
General Sales Conditions


Code: VA345

Bottle-shaped disposable trap with 4 holes to allow the target insects to enter.

The trap contains 20 g of powdered food attractant to attract male and female Mediterranean fruit flies Ceratitis capitata and other flies from the Tephritidae family, to be diluted in 500 ml of water.

The trap is supplied with a wire hanger to hang from a branch.


Code: VA342

Bottle-shaped disposable trap with 4 holes to allow the target insects to enter.

The trap contains 20 g of the basic substance diammonium phosphate, to be used as a kairomonal or food attractant, in powder form to be diluted in water, for the mass capture of male and female Olive fruit flies Bactrocera oleae (in accordance with (EU) Implementing Regulation 2016/548 from the European Commission).

The trap is supplied with a wire hanger to hang from a branch.


Code: VA344 econex-triangular-sin-laminas

Bottle-shaped disposable trap with 4 holes to allow the target insects to enter.

The trap contains 20 g of the basic substance diammonium phosphate, to be used as a kairomonal or food attractant, in powder form to be diluted in water, for the mass capture of male and female Mediterranean fruit flies Ceratitis capitata (in accordance with (EU) Implementing Regulation 2016/548 from the European Commission).

The trap is supplied with a wire hanger to hang from a branch.


Code: TA112 escolitrap®

This is a trap specially designed for the capture of Scolytidae in wooded areas and forests.

The trap is made of a plastic polymer that does not emit odours when heated by the sun and can withstand ultraviolet rays. It has an average lifespan of 6 to 7 years. It consists of a funnel, two yellow vanes, a green lid and a white base attached to the funnel.

The attractants are hung on the same trap, since they are aggregation pheromones and they are composed of multiple diffusers. At the base of the trap can be placed any substance capable of killing or retaining the captured insects inside, such as olive oil. The trap comes with two hooks from which it can be suspended.

Due to its large capacity it is the most suitable trap for most types of Scolytidae, in particular when there is a large number. In addition to capturing Coleoptera, it is used to capture Lepidoptera and Diptera.


Code: TA242

The trap is made of a white PET sheet that is 0,3 mm thick, coated on its inner face with a layer of contact glue (no solvents) and protected by a strip of silicone paper, for the retention of the insects. The trap is provided with a hanger and has holes in the corners to hang it once folded.

The trap is displayed unfolded, with measurements of 40 x 23 cm. Once folded, it takes the shape of a prism, measuring 12 x 23 x 13 cm.

The trap does not include the pheromone diffuser.


Code: TA252 econex-triangular-sin-laminas

Specific chromatic trap for the attraction of Drosophila suzukii.


Code: TA240 econex-triangular-sin-laminas

The trap is made of a white PET sheet that is 0,3 mm thick, coated on its inner face with a layer of contact glue (no solvents) and protected by a strip of silicone paper, for the retention of the insects. The trap is provided with a hanger and has holes in the corners to hang it once folded.

The trap is displayed unfolded, with measurements of 40 x 12,5 cm. Once folded, it takes the shape of a prism, measuring 12 x 10,5 x 13 cm.

The trap does not include the pheromone diffuser.


Code: TA253 econex-triangular-sin-laminas

Specific trap for the attraction of Drosophila suzukii.

The trap is made of a red PET sheet that is 0.3 mm thick, coated on its inner face with a layer of contact glue (no solvents) and protected by a strip of silicone paper, for the retention of the insects. The trap is provided with a hanger and has holes in the corners to hang it once folded.

The trap is displayed unfolded, with measurements of 40 x 23 cm. Once folded, it takes the shape of a prism, measuring 12 x 23 x 13 cm.

The trap does not include the pheromone diffuser.


Code: TA234

Adhesive trap for capturing the Tobacco beetle (Lasioderma serricorne) in warehouses, in combination with the ECONEX LASIODERMA SERRICORNE pheromone. The trap is made of a white PET laminate sheet that is 0,3mm thick, coated on the inside with a layer of contact glue (no solvents) and protected by a strip of silicone paper to retain the Lasioderma serricorne specimens.

The trap is displayed unfolded, with measurements of 40 x 12,5 cm. Once folded, it takes the shape of a prism measuring 12 x 10.5 x 13 cm.


Code: TA258


The VELUTINATRAP® trap is specially designed for the capture of the Asian wasp Vespa velutina.

It is a large capacity trap, very resistant to weathering and long duration in the field.

It consists of a high capacity transparent base, a yellow funnel with a green lid to prevent the entry of rainwater and a yellow grid to separate the captures of the attractant VELUTINATRAP® ATTRACTANT (not included).